Book Design

GeezWriter’s design team achieves maximum impact with elegantly simple designs optimized for production quality and reader accessibility.


a-gw-website-services-book-designWhether you’re targeting only the print market or offering soft cover and/or hardcover books to support your ebook editions, your project’s design must be done right. You want the reading experience to impress, to feel comfortable. Poorly executed layout and print-plant production are the kinds of aggravating distractions your readers count on GeezWriter to prevent.


We handle all aspects of book file/template creation and submission, whether starting from scratch or evaluating and adapting your files. We work in the major printer platforms common around the world. We keep up with the latest upgrades and requirements, and bring our experience with tricks and shortcuts that ensure the optimum presentation.


We handle all production and distribution, but if you have your own network, we can deliver versions that conform to multiple standards. If your images need pre-production correction or alteration, we can handle that, too. We will even handle the uploads and stand behind our work. Still, we’re confident our system is the best, and our costs are as low as anybody’s anywhere.


Go ahead and write that next book. We’ve got all your print versions in hand.